Tag Results

Resources (565 results found)

Displaying 326 - 330 of 565
The tag 'NGOs: US' returned # resources.
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. Established in 1975, it has more than 600 employees working in over 50 countries. It is one of the research centers supported by the Consultative Group on International...
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The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) supports citizens' rights to participate in free and fair elections. It provides technical assistance to election officials, empowers the underrepresented to participate in the political process and applies field-based research to improve the electoral cycle. Since 1987, IFES has worked in over 145...
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The International Health Organization (IHO) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to improving the health and well being of under-served people in developing countries, primarily the Indian sub-continent, Asia, Africa and disenfranchised communities in the US. IHO's work focuses on mother and child health, environmental health, prevention of...
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The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit organization. It provides education and safe homes to impoverished children in Indoneia, Kenya and Thailand through its five IHF centers. Through its sponsorship, poverty and education programs, IHF creates person-to-person communication links between the voiceless, at...
The International Initiative on Exploitative Child Labor (IIECL), also commonly known as the International Initiative to End Child Labor, is a US-based non-profit organization that provides education, training, technical and capacity building assistance, research, social accountability auditing, resources, program planning and design, and monitoring and...
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