Stories from Abroad


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Stories from Abroad (102)

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Hear first-hand stories from students who have built essential international skills by studying, volunteering, interning, teaching or working abroad. This is your portal to career-boosting international adventures!

Profiles (102) | Starred (0)

Stories From Abroad

Asia (30)
Australia, New Zealand & Oceania (4)
Central America & the Caribbean (4)
Eastern Europe & Russia (3)
Middle East & North Africa (4)
North America (includes Mexico) (8)
South America (9)
Sub-Saharan Africa (12)
Western Europe (32)
Build Experience in School (1)
Intern Abroad (14)
Learn A Language Abroad (6)
Study Abroad (34)
Teach English Abroad (17)
Travel Smarts (8)
Virtual International Internships (20)
Volunteer Abroad (15)
Work Abroad (6)
Working Holiday (5)
Insight And Education In Korea
Building International Career Skills Online
Independent, International, Virtual! A UN Internship Online
Making the Most of Lockdown with a Virtual Internship
Virtual Internship for a Cross-cultural Future
Zoom Zoom! A Virtual Internship with Central America
A Year Of Feeling French
China, South Africa And Beyond!
Soaking Up Japanese Culture
Do It Yourself! A Proactive Intern in Rome
An International Career in the Making: Asia, Africa and Beyond
From Daydream to Reality: Teaching Abroad
From Korea to Oman: Teaching English Around the World!
Communicating Creatively In Spain
Independent In India
Making Contacts Count In The UK
Sports, Study And Fun In France
Hooked On Volunteering!
Exploring the Sights, Sounds & Tastes of Mexico City
An Epic Internship in Malaysia
Springtime In Spain
A Professional Visit To Vietnam
A Year In Marvelous Mexico!
A Canadian Globe-Trotter Visits The US
Going Solo In Spain!
Now Or Never In Colombia
Rolling With The Punches In Seoul
An Unforgettable Adventure In Nanjing
Gaga For Ghana!
Off The Beaten Path In Africa
People, Places And Passionate Volunteering In Peru
Study And Adventure In New Zealand
Into The Wild In Alaska
Building Memories In India
Host Hospitality In Morocco
Fun And Friends In The Netherlands
Adventure In The Alps
Kids And Culture In Korea
Learning To Go With The Flow In France
American Freshman In London
Learning To Love London
Take-Charge Travel: Germany And Beyond!
A Cross-Cultural Co-Op In West Africa
Getting In Sync In Nairobi
From Cold Feet To Confidence In Germany
One Summer, Two Internships!
Motivated In Madagascar
Adapting to Work In Peru
Skill-building in Bonn
A Season in Sweden
His thoughts on The International Workplace
As a foreigner, I'm at the bottom of the hierarchy chain. The good news is that I am flexible and quickly adapting to the culture. It's just how Korean society functions, and I'm along for the ride!
His thoughts on The Right Attitude
I consider myself a very adventurous eater, but I was put to the test when they served duck feet and octopus soup. I was a little intimidated, but I got over it and it wasn’t all that bad!
His thoughts on Motivation
What really kicked off my travel addiction was studying abroad in Prague. It was the single best experience of my entire life.
Virtual Internship in England
His thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
Every day there were unique challenges, either due to the time zone differences or my own less-than-perfect legal English writing skills! But I strived to overcome them.
His thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
I grew professionally in ways I never could have done here here in Mexico. I’m proud that I put myself out there and got international experience even while at home.
His thoughts on Cultural Differences
I got along easily with my colleague from Brazil, since we are both extroverted and social. In contrast, my South African boss was more naturally reserved. The social component was a bit harder when connecting across bigger cultural gaps.
Virtual Internship with the UN
Her thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
Be organized! It's easy to get lost amongst the incoming messages, chat requests, virtual meetings and more. I used Google Calendar to manage it all.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Working online, it can be hard to know when to work and when to rest! I myself am a workaholic, so it was important to schedule breaks for mental health.
Her thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
Working remotely, I had to learn how to make independent decisions, because my managers were often busy. I became a more confident problem-solver.
Virtual Internship in Japan
Her thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
Defining well-established objectives before I even started the placement really helped me.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Instead of sitting at home in lockdown doing nothing, I wanted to use my summer vacations to build professional experience and connect with people abroad.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
This virtual internship improved my confidence, communication skills, productivity, independent initiative and self-discipline.
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Ask your managers in advance about the specific apps and platforms you'll be using during your virtual internship. This way you can get familiar with them.
Virtual Internship in Central America
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
I knew I'd learn about their culture through our discussions, but I thought it was respectful to take initiative and do my own research in advance.
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
As a future educator, I know I'll be working with families from diverse backgrounds, so it’s essential that I have an open mind and am able to integrate their values and culture into my classroom.
Her thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
I manage my schedule with a day planner, by keeping a daily “to-do” list and using phone alerts. I also keep a clean desk area and surround myself with positive messages to help me persevere throughout the day!
Virtual Internship in the Dominican Republic & Nicaragua
His thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
In the online workspace, I had to be a little more expressive with my face, voice and hand gestures to better communicate with my students. But I didn't mind!
His thoughts on Virtual Work Skills
I tried to keep my work space as simple as possible at home. All I had was my iPad, AirPods, iPhone and a water bottle.
His thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
To prepare for my virtual internship, I did extensive research about the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua: the topography, food, religion, language and overall culture. I wanted as much info as possible before the program started.
Studied in France
McMaster University
Her thoughts on Motivation
I am a self-proclaimed "Francophile", and for someone who is pursuing a double major in French and History, it made perfect sense to go to France and be immersed in all that I was learning about.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
The French live at a slower pace and really take the time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. There isn't as much of an urgency to always hurry through the day.
Her thoughts on First Impressions
I found that a good way of coping my first month in Lyon was to run on autopilot and be task oriented. I was constantly checking things off my "to do" list.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
Actions, gestures, intonation, voice inflection, facial expressions, and body language play just as much of a role as the oral component.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
I would walk the length of the market and peruse the stalls, stopping every now and again to nibble a sample of cheese or saucisson.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Learn to laugh at yourself when the little things go awry - laughter is often the best remedy for an embarrassing situation.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
At the end of the day, we have more in common than we think! It was fun to celebrate the similarities and recognize the differences.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
Sometimes students psych themselves up too much, anticipating a tough transition. Be flexible, patient and write down everything you remember from your trip.
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Plan early and be up-front about your goals with your academic advisors.
Studied in Japan
Mount Royal University
His thoughts on Motivation
I was introduced to the world of Japan through comics, and from that I was motivated to do more research.
His thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Getting everything in order early will give you time to think of anything you might have forgotten, and give you a chance to relax before you travel.
His thoughts on Cultural Differences
The way that the Japanese perceive themselves in relation to everyone else around them, and in different situations, dictates everything from how they act to how they speak. Hierarchy is very important.
His thoughts on Taking It All In
Meet new people. All of a sudden you'll have a life outside of the exchange program, and your life in whatever country you're in becomes much more exciting.
His thoughts on Personal Growth
To judge something like this as a "success" is an understatement. In reality there isn't a word I could put to such a massive thing as my year in Japan. I just want to go back.
His thoughts on Communicating Abroad
The meaning of a handshake, or a bow from the waist, or a smile often says more than a word ever could.
Interned in Italy
University of Wisconsin: Oshkosh
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
When I wanted to make a career change I looked back at what impacted me the most as an undergrad -- and that was studying abroad.
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
I'm so glad that I started looking into it months before I had to travel, because that was an extensive process.
Her thoughts on The Application Process
There was no official application, just me taking an idea and running with it!
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
By looking at my experiences as adventures instead of challenges, I shaped those experiences positively.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
The most important thing that I learned when 2087 was to take things with a grain of salt, be flexible, and laugh at your mistakes. It's just as hard for the people you are trying to communicate with as it is for you!
Her thoughts on The Application Process
My number one tip would be not to give up on something you really want to do! I heard a lot of "no" before I finally heard "yes"!
Worked in Africa & Asia
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
In Ethiopia I discovered that during the month-long orthodox Easter holiday, meat would no longer be available at my local market or restaurant.
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
Working for Doctors Without Borders can be extremely challenging but the rewards are immediate and inspirational.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
Ramadan occurred at the height of summer. Getting workers to do heavy labor in 95-degree weather with no food or water felt wrong. I conceded that productivity would be lost for the entire month. Their faith (and health) was more important.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
I take a rugby ball with me wherever I go. I have done everything from playing catch with co-workers to having friendly games in the community to coaching youth teams.
Taught English in Asia
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
I welcomed discomfort. I knew that only through discomfort would I find the changes I was looking for.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
I stepped into the classroom unsure of myself, but by the end of the year, I walked of the school a completely different person.
Her thoughts on Motivation
If there’s one piece of advice I can give you, it’s: book the ticket. Put fear aside. Do what you’re most afraid of. The rest of your life is waiting on the other side.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
The idea of moving to a new country filled with me fear. But it turned out that the idea of staying in Canada and never leaving was scarier.
Taught English in Asia & the Middle East
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Researching destinations ahead of time and using social media to network beforehand is key in having a good experience abroad in my opinion.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
I only planned to teach for a year, but I enjoyed the experience so much I decided to keep renewing my contract. A decade later, I’m still abroad!
Her thoughts on Adaptation
This life isn’t for everyone. You'll have challenges, but it's a learning experience and has shown me just how adaptable I can be.
Studied & Learned a Language in Spain
SUNY: Oneonta
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
It's important to prepare yourself for the shock of being in a culture that's completely different from your own.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
Although Spanish culture is different from American culture, it doesn't mean that either one is wrong or right. They are each unique.
Her thoughts on Motivation
I wasn't making as much progress in Spanish class as I thought I should have been, so the best option for me was to become fully immersed in the culture – where I'd have no choice but to communicate in Spanish!
Volunteered in India
St. Ambrose University
Her thoughts on Motivation
I wanted to go somewhere that would make me step out of my comfort zone. I needed to prove to myself that I could be independent.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
I was so impressed by how these children saw what was truly important. It showed me how much people living in poverty value everything they have – especially basic items that we simply take for granted.
Her thoughts on First Impressions
Many people stared at us even though we were covered head to toe in their traditional clothing, trying to show our respect, and attempting to blend in.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
It absolutely astounded me that a family with so little would give up the few resources that they had for strangers. This generosity was seen again and again with the people of Vrindavan.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
My time abroad proved to me that I really can be independent, and I don't think many other experiences could have done that for me.
Working Holiday in England
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on The Application Process
I looked into many options for finding a job abroad but the one with the best result ended up being from a personal contact I didn't even know I had!
Her thoughts on Homestays
The people who helped me get a job offered me a room in their house. Taking them up on the offer was one of the best decisions I made! I became part of the family.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Be willing to change your plans and meet new people. If you start talking to the people beside you in your hostel, chances are you will make friends for the day.
Her thoughts on Adaptation
You never quite get past the odd feeling of life happening without you at home, but you are busy building your own memories that outweigh the losses.
Studied in France
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on Motivation
I saw a poster in a building one day and went in to talk to the exchange coordinator, and that's all it took to get me hooked.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
It was not always easy, but the best way to look at things is to think "it's not weird, it's different".
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
In France I learned to take time, enjoy a glass of wine, talk, and enjoy meals that lasted over an hour. At home, within 20 minutes we were cleaning up!
Her thoughts on Coming Home
One thing that really helped was getting my parents to read a part of MyWorldAbroad related to re-entry shock.
Volunteered in Guatemala & Peru
College of Saint Elizabeth
Her thoughts on Motivation
I am originally from Guyana. Growing up in a Third World country gave me a real insight into how hard things can be. Now I want to give back as much as I can.
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
There are no excuses! If you have a burning desire to serve, you can make it happen.
Her thoughts on Homestays
Going with my volunteer program, we stayed in a local host home and ate traditional cuisine three times a day. This approach to going abroad made me feel like I was much more a part of the culture than I would have been staying at a hotel.
Taught English in Mexico
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
One student took me on a two-hour drive to see the pyramids. It was so gracious, and made me recognize how different the notions of hospitality are between our two countries!
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Mexico City is a constant barrage of noises, smells and sometimes overwhelming stimulation! Street vendors yelling, organ grinders, trucks driving with loud speakers, steam whistles and marching bands!
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Even though I was applying for ESL work, every hiring manager commented on my degree in cultural anthropology as a huge bonus. All cross-cultural experience has value!
Interned Abroad in Malaysia
His thoughts on Boosting Your Career
I found that getting hired by a business abroad as a recent graduate was actually easier than getting hired at home, because my innate value as a worker was crystal clear.
His thoughts on Boosting Your Career
There are so many pathways to international careers that I had no idea existed until I started doing in-depth research and connecting with experienced expats.
His thoughts on Taking It All In
There’s an instant connection between fellow expats abroad, and I’ve found that the further from home we travel, the more this tends to apply.
His thoughts on Motivation
If you're interested in an international career, my advice is to go abroad and reach out to experts and expats. You might be surprised at the opportunities that await you when you dream big!
Studied in Spain
Lebanon Valley College
Her thoughts on Homestays
What surprised me the most about my time abroad was the home-stay component. It had been the part that, at first, worried me the most, but it ended up being the most rewarding.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
What do you need? The three c's: confidence, creativity, and comfy shoes!
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
I was always greeted with friendly kisses on the cheek and hugs. This was unusual to me at first, coming from America where our typical greeting is a handshake.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
All good things must come to end, but for now I have the photos and the memories to reflect on.
Worked in Vietnam
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
His thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Talking with other foreigners gave me insider advice on how foreign job searches are conducted.
His thoughts on The Right Attitude
Have confidence! There really is no reason to be shy with superiors or strangers.
His thoughts on Cultural Differences
In most cities in Asia, you're constantly surrounded by people, severely limiting your "me time".
His thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Network as much as you can so that when you do look for a serious job, the transition is more seamless and you know where the opportunities are.
Studied & Learned a Language in Mexico
University of British Columbia
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Volunteering at a local primary school for blind children was a good challenge to my Spanish language skills and gave me an opportunity to step outside the upper-class world I was living in.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
If you're going on exchange to learn a language, make a point of speaking it from the time you arrive. If you fall into the trap of speaking English, you'll never get comfortable in the host language.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
The Day of the Dead celebration made a real impact on me. It was wonderful to see people building shrines around their loved ones' graves rather than carving jack-o-lanterns to scare away spirits.
Studied in the USA
Mount Royal University
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
My exchanges helped give me clarity on my educational path. I really believe that when I look back on my years as a student, it will be my exchanges that stand out.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
My study abroad term resulted in a little longer in school to complete degree requirements, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Studied in Spain
University of Evansville
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Instead of looking at it as something that would take me away from the familiar, I decided to view it as an adventure that I was fortunate to experience.
Her thoughts on First Impressions
All of a sudden I wasn't having fun any more. I was awakening from the dreamy version of studying abroad, and what I saw when I finally opened my eyes was the plain truth.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
My experience turned out to be a success because I made it my own, and I grew to accept the city's flaws along with its charms.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
I was apprehensive about returning because I had learned so much and wanted others to recognize that I had changed.
Volunteered & Taught English in Colombia
Her thoughts on The Application Process
I poured over the Internet. Searching for the perfect organization became my second job. Knowing exactly what I wanted from a program made it easy for me to sort through all the organizations out there.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
I got to know so many people just through body language. I learned that I could follow a conversation through gestures, facial expressions and tone.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
Living in a different culture for such a long time changes your perception, which was apparent on my return home. I looked at everything differently and challenged the things that I considered normal.
Taught English in South Korea
Wilfrid Laurier
Her thoughts on Motivation
The decision to leave my family and country for a year was just the ticket my mind and soul needed to adjust to a career lifestyle.
Her thoughts on The Application Process
The key to finding a job online is to be available to talk at almost any time. In some cases, if you don't respond to a recruiter within a day, they will move on.
Her thoughts on First Impressions
It is my eighth month here in Seoul, but if you asked me in my first month whether I thought I would still be here now, I would have said no.
Studied in China
Stony Brook University
Her thoughts on Motivation
A million miles away from my family, in a foreign land, with a language that is 100% different from English? Sounds like an adventure to me!
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
If you looked at students from a distance, you could tell which were Americans from far away!
Her thoughts on The Application Process
Don’t be afraid to call the people in charge of a program to bombard them with questions: it will help narrow down your options and find the best one.
Studied in Ghana
SUNY: University at Albany
Her thoughts on Motivation
Since I was a little girl, my dream has been to travel the world. I've always wanted to fill my passport and have stamps from countries in all seven continents.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
All I could talk about was Ghana: how much I had fallen in love with the country, and how much I wanted to go back, this time to do humanitarian work and be a volunteer.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
The second I walked in to a slave castle and could really smell Ghana's past, it hit me: that's when I truly realized "Wow Sylvia, we're in Ghana."
Her thoughts on Coming Home
Ghana had become a part of me – as cliché as that may sound. I had learned so much and had so much fun that I wanted to stay forever.
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Witnessing great poverty in Africa made me want to help in the progress of a Third World country. Ghana changed my life, and helped me find my career path.
Traveled in Mozambique
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
His thoughts on Taking It All In
Cultural activities were very fulfilling because they allowed me to interact with nationals on a peer level. It temporarily took the attention away from my "American-ness."
His thoughts on Adaptation
The goal is not to become a different person but maybe to talk openly about your differences and to find activities where your race and nationality are not the focus.
His thoughts on Coming Home
You feel as though your trip will only ever exist within you, which is simultaneously empowering and discouraging.
His thoughts on Coming Home
I miss not knowing exactly what each day would hold. I miss feeling like I was doing something important. I miss being in a place where I could meet a hundred new people in a day.
Learned a Language & Volunteered in Peru
San Diego State University
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
I knew that while having a friend to accompany me would have made it more comfortable, going by myself would make me stronger, and force me to interact with everyone that I encountered.
Her thoughts on Adaptation
If I hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone, I'd never have discovered so many amazing places.
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
Sometimes I didn't feel totally welcomed, but I knew that they probably had reservations about a young foreigner working in their hospital. I went out of my way to introduce myself and ask if I could help them.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
Saying goodbye was very hard. The experienced sparked my passion for international philanthropic travel and changed my life for the better. 
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Nearly every day, there was a festival going on in the town square. I was blown away by their overwhelming national pride.
Studied in New Zealand
Lebanon Valley College
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
I knew studying abroad would stand out on my résumé and give me a competitive edge when I started looking for work after graduation.
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Having a clear idea of why you want to go abroad and identifying possible challenges you may encounter will better prepare you for your experience abroad.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
My friend and I came home with NZ-inspired tattoos... which was a pretty big surprise – especially to our parents!
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Surrounding yourself with locals is crucial in order to understand and adapt to a culture.
Studied in the USA
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on Motivation
I felt that experiencing some of the environmental issues discussed in lectures first-hand would provide a much more enriching learning experience.
Her thoughts on The Application Process
It's highly important to create a real picture of yourself so that instructors and organizers can match you with people who have similar personalities, as well as varied weaknesses and strengths.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Instead of spending time on the computer at home, I was looking for trails to hike and species to identify.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
Of course I missed my family and friends, but my experience was so enriching and eye opening, that I really would have been content to stay longer.
Studied in India
SUNY: University at Albany
Her thoughts on The Application Process
At first I thought studying abroad would not be feasible because of the cost. But, to my surprise, there were plenty of study abroad programs that were extremely affordable.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
I thought it was important to have an open mind in terms of location. Any country inhabited by human beings was fair game!
Her thoughts on First Impressions
The biggest surprise was the impact my presence had on those I encountered. They were extremely grateful for our service and excited to welcome us.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
There were instances along the way where I really had to reach deep down inside for the courage to work through and finish the program – but never once did I think about giving up.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
I'll never take my air conditioned home for granted again, because I spent 10 days building a simple, four-wall structure the size of my bedroom for a family of 10.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
My life's paradigm has been completely shifted for the better.
Her thoughts on Coming Home
I thought my biggest concern upon returning would be the jet lag. But that just goes to show how studying abroad changes a person!
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
In time you'll realize that most people you encounter are more similar to you than they are different.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
There will always be divides and differences between cultures, so we must accept them and look past them.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
With the world becoming increasingly interconnected, it is important to develop cross-cultural skills.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
It is somewhat disrespectful and pompous to assume that all other cultures are familiar with the ways of one's own. A respectful bond is the key to success in any interaction, especially a cross-cultural one. 
Studied in Morocco
Drake University
His thoughts on Motivation
My sister spent a semester in Istanbul when I was 15. The thought of her thriving on a completely different continent got me thinking that maybe the world extended a little bit past my hometown of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
His thoughts on Cultural Differences
I wasn't sure what to expect, but I thought I'd offend my hosts at some point and there would be some sort of rift. There wasn't in the least -- my family loved me like a son.
His thoughts on Cultural Differences
What struck me the most, seeing my home in a different light, was just how much stuff Americans had and how much space they had for all that stuff.
His thoughts on Coming Home
Everything I had been craving so badly while I was gone was the same as when I had left – there was no big celebration behind eating peanut butter, drinking American coffee or using a electric hand dryer again.
His thoughts on The Right Attitude
In Morocco, your taxi driver may speak one of any four languages – and you have to be ready that French might not be one of them. To me, the fun lies within this unpredictability!
His thoughts on First Impressions
I'd taken autumn for granted while I was home; I'd never even thought that it simply didn't exist elsewhere in the world. When it was gone I had a surprising time adjusting.
Studied in the Netherlands
Mount Royal University
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Studying abroad developed my cross-cultural communication skills and made me more approachable and unafraid – which I'll take with me into my future career.
Her thoughts on The Application Process
In writing my application, I felt the most important aspect was to show my passion for traveling, learning and experiencing new cultures.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
I was amazed at how easy it is to travel in Europe. I visited over 15 countries during my semester abroad!
Worked in Switzerland
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on The Application Process
To prepare for the interview I checked the company's site and the qualities they wanted in the ideal candidate. I wanted the interviewer to know I'd done my prep work. I was offered the job on the spot!
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
With younger children it was surprisingly easy to get my point across. When we did have problems communicating, we'd act out the words, which would often result in us laughing!
Her thoughts on Adaptation
The biggest challenge I found to living in the Alps was the altitude. For the first few weeks I was out of breath after just a short walk to work. As an avid runner, this was a big shock for me.
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
On a trip to Morocco, we drank tea in a cave home with an Arabic family, attended a Bedouin wedding and went on a camel trek in the desert – things I never dreamed I'd get to do!
Taught English in South Korea
University of Alberta
Her thoughts on Motivation
I'd always been really interested in Korean culture; and through my research I learned that South Korea really provides the best package when it comes to teaching overseas.
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
The kids love their teachers! I taught fourth grade through sixth grade and it's the only time I've ever felt like a rock star! My students would get so excited every time they saw me.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
There were things that I didn't understand, or that I found confusing... but I always took a step back and reminded myself that different cultures have different ways of doing things.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
Be fearless; be open to advice and criticism; and be willing to throw yourself into the process of trying to communicate.
Studied in France
Carleton University
His thoughts on Boosting Your Career
I liked the idea of being immersed in a foreign culture, and the potential to bring back skills and knowledge to sell to employers upon graduation.
His thoughts on Personal Growth
Studying abroad forced me to change as an individual and learn about things that I previously had no interest in.
His thoughts on Language Learning
My time abroad has allowed me to gain fluency in French to a level where I can express myself with a degree of ease and spontaneity.
His thoughts on The Right Attitude
When things go wrong during your time abroad (such as missing your train), don't forget to be happy and keep a sense of humor – this will go a long way!
His thoughts on Personal Growth
Before my exchange, I can definitely say that ambiguity was not my friend! But things changed during my exchange and I handle it much better than I did before.
Studied in the UK
SUNY: University at Albany
Her thoughts on Motivation
Ever since I was young I've been fascinated with Europe. Experiencing a culture different from my own was something that I knew I had to do.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
Americans are loud! Even at the pubs and clubs in London I felt like we were being the loudest ones!
Her thoughts on Taking It All In
Savor every moment. Take in all the sights, smells, and noise and appreciate it! And remember: the most amazing experiences aren't planned!
Studied in the UK
Stony Brook University
Her thoughts on The Application Process
Be yourself during the application process, definitely. Show the schools the passion you have for traveling and studying abroad.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
That is the nicest part of studying abroad: when the cultural differences you noticed when you arrived become normal to you.
Studied in Germany
University of Ottawa
Her thoughts on Motivation
In essence, I decided to go on an exchange to live life while I was young.
Her thoughts on Adaptation
The academic formality that exists in the German school system is certainly something I had to adapt to. From interactions with professors after a class, to the way exams were written; they were a step up from what I was used to.
Her thoughts on Motivation
The beauty of it all was that for half a year, I lived somewhere where no one knew who I was before I stepped off that plane.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
You never, ever, ever sound stupid. Locals who see you genuinely trying to learn their language will do what they can to help you.
Her thoughts on Motivation
If you're sitting on the fence about whether or not to apply for an exchange, I can tell you that my experience changed my life.
Interned in Ghana
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
I wanted to work at a small organization because it's the best way to get a lot of responsibility and the most field work. A lot of larger organizations offered administrative desk jobs, but I knew I wanted to be in the field.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
While Ghana is very professional and is becoming more developed, many cultural factors (like religion and household seniority) play major factors in the workplace.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
As a woman, if I wanted to help out with carrying things or running an errand, an unwilling male would be encouraged to instead.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Don't be afraid! Don't feel left out. Don't be a foreigner. Learn the language. Be a local.
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
Entering another country means you must adjust to their way or living, not the other way around.
Interned in Kenya
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on Motivation
As someone who loves to learn new languages, immerse myself in different cultures, and engage in unique travel experiences, I had a desire to go out and explore the world around me.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
Whether I was at work, volunteering, or just walking in the markets, locals would take the time to teach me a few words in Kiswalhili.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
In the workplace, everyone spoke in English, but my supervisors and co-workers taught me a few words in the local language, and when I would go out on weekends to the market, I would try to apply what I'd learned.
Interned in Germany
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on Pre-Departure Preparation
Take as many language courses as possible before you go anywhere! Even if your job is in English, co-workers prefer speaking their mother tongue.
Her thoughts on Personal Growth
I grew so much as a person through my experience going abroad. You learn so much about yourself and what you are capable of doing.
Her thoughts on Language Learning
My German was good enough that by the time I got back from Germany, I was able to skip one German level, and I'm hoping that by the time I graduate, I'll be fluent.
Interned in Uganda and Singapore
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Her thoughts on The Application Process
I think what made me successful was not only my previous work experience, but my determination. I didn't let negative responses slow me down.
Her thoughts on Boosting Your Career
Being treated as a professional and knowledgeable in my field really made me feel confident in my work.
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
It was important to understand that how things were getting done was what was best for the people there, not what was best for me.
Her thoughts on Adaptation
Knowing that my loved ones were waiting for me and that I wasn't going to be gone forever helped me get over the homesickness.
Interned in Madagascar
University of Waterloo
His thoughts on The International Workplace
Persevere. Companies, while willing to help students, have other commitments that are much higher on their priority lists and perseverance will be your greatest asset.
His thoughts on Adaptation
At first it was a challenge to communicate with the Malagasy employees, but I quickly realized that I'd be more successful if I made the effort to adapt.
His thoughts on The Right Attitude
I wasn't afraid to travel, try new foods, or get my hands dirty helping the villagers.
Interned in Peru
University of Waterloo
Her thoughts on The Application Process
I just had to be truthful, and really figure out what I wanted to get out of the experience.
Her thoughts on Cultural Differences
One thing I noticed was that timing didn't seem to matter to locals. Things would start late, and you always seemed to end up eating REALLY late!
Her thoughts on The Right Attitude
When I arrived in Peru my Spanish was not excellent, but I wasn't afraid to try, and speak, and make mistakes, and keep trying.
Her thoughts on Communicating Abroad
Learning how to adapt your body language, vocabulary and tone of voice is key to good cross-cultural communication.
Worked in Germany
McGill University
Her thoughts on Adaptation
I was surprised how integrated I became within my adopted community. I ended up getting to know a lot of locals. I was invited to a wedding and even joined a marching band!
Her thoughts on Language Learning
For me it was really a matter of building my confidence in the language, because simple things such as making a phone call felt like big obstacles initially.
Studied in Sweden
SUNY: University at Albany
His thoughts on First Impressions
I felt embraced by the culture as well as the people. I felt like I belonged and that I could live there for the rest of my life.
His thoughts on Coming Home
It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Just realizing that time is winding down can be really depressing.
His thoughts on Coming Home
Once you arrive home, you jump back into your old life. It almost feels like the trip was just a fantasy or dream that might never even have happened.
His thoughts on Personal Growth
Even though I came home with no money and had to eat pasta every day, I can't stress how happy I was to have seen it all.


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