Tag Results

Resources (565 results found)

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The tag 'NGOs: US' returned # resources.
[Covid-19 ALERT: As of 2020/10/31, country programs postponed.] The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) is the scholar division of the Institute of International Education (IIE). It helps administer the Fulbright Scholar Program, the US Government's flagship academic exchange effort. CIES annually recruits and sends nearly 800 US faculty...
4 the World identifies and collaborates with communities across the globe to empower them to identify and solve the most pressing needs of communities within the areas of health and education. The organization provides assistance with new or improved community infrastructure, building materials and construction and program resources for education, health...
A Broader View Volunteers (ABV) is a non-profit organization that runs volunteer service trips worldwide. Its focus is mainly on supporting community projects which promote income equality, education, animal conservation and more. Popular projects focus on medical and health, children and community, social programs, animal care and wildlife, and learning a...
Accion International is a global non-profit committed to creating a financially inclusive world. With a pioneering legacy in microfinance and fintech impact investing, the organization has helped tens of millions of people for over 50 years, working together with more than 90 partners in 40 countries. Aside from offering management and technical assistance...
In Resource list(s):
ACDI/VOCA is an economic development organization that specializes in catalyzing investment, climate smart agriculture, empowerment and resilience, institutional strengthening, and market systems. It delivers technical and management assistance to various sectors to promote economic growth. The Web site's international jobs and volunteer page lists all...
