Tag Results

Resources (565 results found)

Displaying 286 - 290 of 565
The tag 'NGOs: US' returned # resources.
Helping Honduras Kids (HHK) is a Christian non-profit, volunteer-led organization that manages an orphanage caring for 21 children who have been abandoned, abused and/or neglected. It opened its first orphanage in May 2007, the Hogar de Amor (Home of Love). HHK also manages a free private school, Jungle School, located in La Ceiba, Honduras. They provide...
Hermandad, Inc. is a community development agency, based in the United States, working primarily in rural communities of Latin America and the Caribbean. Hermandad serves as a catalyst or intermediary to strengthen local community organizations and accomplish sustainable development. Contact the organization if you'd like to participate in one of their...
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Hesperian Health Guides is a non-profit that has developed and distributed health materials which are available in over 80 languages. The organization has a paid staff of less than 25, but an ever-increasing number of volunteers, currently more than 200. Hundreds of government agencies and non-profit organizations rely on Hesperian Health Guides to provide...
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Holt International is a faith-based organization dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for children through family strengthening, caring for orphaned and vulnerable children, and in-country and international adoption. Holt has united tens of thousands of children with adoptive families in the United States. Holt International Children's Services...
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[Covid-19 ALERT: Virtual opportunities now available.] Hope 4 Kids International (H4KI) has been serving children living in impoverished environments around the world for more than 40 years by establishing economic, spiritual, water, orphan and feeding programs. Currently, Hope 4 Kids has projects in seven countries around the world. The organization...
