Countless couples have met while traveling. Those who travel are inspired, intellectually vibrant and they can often form connections easily. Cross-cultural personal relationships have their own dynamics and issues, as do the relationships of people who go abroad with a partner they met in their home country. This week, our featured Quick Guide explores some of the issues surrounding international love affairs. Read it now.
MyWorldBlog - The Latest News From MyWorldAbroad
You're never too old to have a brand new adventure! Retired Mayo Clinic surgeon Scott and his wife decided to go out on a limb and travel to Vietnam for a food-infused holiday. And food is a perfect gateway to experiencing culture. Check out Scott's essay about his experience as part of a tour in Vietnam. You can read the story here.
Have you been abroad? Tell us about it!
Making the decision to go abroad is one of the most exciting and rewarding moments in a student or young professional's life. It's easy to get carried away by your motivation to go abroad as soon as possible, but planning goes a long way. Check out our new Quick Guide about Travel Smarts.
Erika spent a summer in Bonn, Germany, where she interned at a conference center as part of a work-study program. While abroad, Erika was able to build coordination and management skills, practice her German and take a series of exciting side trips around continental Europe.
Read more in Stories from Abroad!
Heading abroad to study will be one of the most exciting times in your life. You’ll be learning more than you ever thought possible, meeting people you never expected to meet and building skills that you’ll use for the rest of your life. Although your mind will be occupied with plans and ideas about the study experience, consider supercharging your time abroad by incorporating a professional component. Being abroad, you have an incredible opportunity to build professional networks and career-boosting connections in your host country – connections that could lead to a future internship, job... Read the full article
We are pleased to announce the release of our first Roadmap prototypes. The MyWorldAbroad Roadmap for Researching STEM International Internships and Co-op Placements is a one-page guide designed to help STEM students and advisors find the best related content on the MyWorldAbroad site. (View the standard text version, or view the draft infographic and let us know what you think).Throughout January and February, we'll be open for feedback as we explore writing similar roadmaps for fields such as international affairs, international business, international law, etc. We'd love to hear from... Read the full article
Are you trying to promote MyWorldAbroad to students? How about tapping into your social media streams as a way of getting the word out? We're delighted to have fully revamped our Global Nudge Social Media Mini Campaigns. Our five mini campaigns are quick and easy to implement, and they'll help you promote student engagement with MyWorldAbroad. We have added new content and a list of 38 Quick Guides for the go abroad cycle (for before, during and after time spent abroad). Visit our Global Nudge Social Media page for all our social media options (view), or go directly to the Mini Campaigns ... Read the full article
Going abroad is an exciting adventure. You don't want to be bogged down by money troubles while abroad, instead of being able to fully immerse yourself and enjoy the experience. But the fact is, heading overseas costs money, so it's important to consider your budget before you buy your plane ticket. Check out our budget-focused Quick Guide here.
Being able to fully immerse herself in a foreign culture while still earning university credit was Theresa’s motivation for exploring her study abroad options. While spending a semester at an applied sciences university in the Netherlands, she became very involved in international student life at her host university, which helped her develop an understanding of Dutch culture, in addition to a variety of other traditions.
Read more in the Stories from Abroad section. Been abroad? Tell us about it!
Are you an international student studying in North America? Are you interested in finding work or possibly even building your future career within the US or Canada? If so, there are many things you can do while studying to improve your chances of finding work. Check out the Quick Guide here.