Building real-world international experience is just plain life-changing: not only will you enrich your life and gain new perspective on yourself and the world, you’ll also open the door to countless new professional opportunities. So, how can you start building your International IQ now, while you’re still in school? The 24 Ways to Go International Quick Guide is a great place to get ideas and inspiration for your cross-cultural future. Check it out now!
MyWorldBlog - The Latest News From MyWorldAbroad
Ariana participated in the unique We Build service learning program, which allowed her to complete coursework while working on a house-building project in India. Her experience demonstrates the importance of keeping an open mind and a positive attitude while abroad, even if things become challenging.
Read more in the Stories from Abroad section. Been abroad? Tell us about it!
All it took was a poster in her exchange coordinator’s office to get Sheila hooked on the idea of studying in France. Studying in Lyon, Sheila expanded her cultural horizons by building her French language skills, sampling a wide array of local foods and getting involved in extra-curricular activities. At times living Lyon tested her patience, but it ultimately enriched her life.
Read more in the Stories from Abroad section. Been abroad? Tell us about it!
Having an international studies focus in your degree is a great way of building cross-cultural understanding and a strong global perspective. If you are considering undertaking an international studies program, whether at the undergraduate or the graduate level, you'll want to do some intensive research online to find the perfect program. The Researching Internationally-Focused Degrees Quick Guide will give you some fast links to online databases, where you'll be able to hunt through a variety of programs in the US and Canada.
If you have traveled or lived abroad, you have built a high-value skill set. You’ve improved your cross-cultural communication skills, become more adaptable, learned how to cope with challenges, and much more. But do you know how to translate these skills into professional potential? Being able to describe and explain your international experiences is almost as important as having the experiences themselves. Marketing Your International Experience to Employers explains how to assess the skills you have built, and how to explain them in a way that’s sure to impress every hiring manager you... Read the full article
Stephanie spent almost two months interning at a hospital in Costa Rica, where she was able to combine her passion for Spanish language with her personal career goals. Facing an initial setback, Stephanie took her internship into her own hands to ensure that she was able to build the experience she wanted while abroad.
Read more in the Stories from Abroad section. Been abroad? Tell us about it!
So you want to build an international career? The global workforce is competitive, no matter your field of expertise, but there are four key phases that will allow you to build the global career skills you need to succeed. By following MyWorldAbroad’s four-part approach to international career-building, you’ll place yourself ahead of the crowd by developing a high International IQ and having enriching, professionally-focused international experiences. Check out The Four Parts to Acquiring Global Career Skills now!
Drew is a self-proclaimed globetrotter and travel addict. After spending time in Israel and studying abroad in Prague during his undegraduate degree, he caught the travel bug and hasn't looked back since. Read his inspiring insights in our latest addition to the Stories from Abroad section. Been abroad? Tell us about it!
After being abroad long-term, you'll have to head home to your normal life. You’ll have had a life-altering experience, made new friends and learned so much about yourself and the world. Though you might be eager to get back to your familiar stomping ground, it can be difficult to re-adjust to your old surroundings and friendships. Much like culture shock, re-entry shock can strike when you least expect it, and can leave you feeling disoriented or down. Check out the Quick Guide to help you understand and work through re-entry shock here.
The most important part of any cross-cultural journey is having the right mindset! Julia's excellent essay about her study exchange experience in Qatar demonstrates how an open-minded perspective and willingness to learn can help you bridge any cultural divide. We suggest that every international career hopeful reads this great article for tips and inspiration. Check it out!
Been abroad? Tell us about it!