[ID:8889] With fewer barriers in place, women are now rightly receiving recognition globally as decision-makers, policy-makers, leaders and top-level workers. But while considerable inroads have been made, women still face unique challenges when it comes to the workplace and general safety abroad. When traveling, your approach should be one of open-mindedness and a willingness to adapt. When it comes to safety, always stay alert, but in terms of social and professional challenges, be prepared to find workarounds on issues where your home and host cultures differ.
Below, we'll cover some of the main personal and professional topics related to females living and working abroad, including all-important safety issues.
Women Interning Abroad
The best advice for young female interns abroad is to expect some bumps along the road. The gender gap varies from region to region, and if you're heading to a non-Western country, it's likely that you'll be immersed in a culture where male and female roles (in society and the workplace) are defined differently than in North America. You may...