Build International Skills

Build International Skills

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Being a truly international person requires more than just wanderlust! Your international skill set will set you apart from the crowd. Achieving career success in our globalized world depends on your adaptability and cross-cultural competencies. It’s easy to become proficient at describing cultures professionally (including your own home culture) and open the door to a world of career possibilities!


Definition of Global Competence: "Having an open mind while actively seeking to understand cultural norms and expectations of others, and leveraging this gained knowledge to interact, communicate and work effectively in diverse environments."
William D. Hunter, intercultural expert
Interned in Cambodia
University of Ottawa
Her thoughts on The International Workplace
En apprenant à écouter mes collègues et en les observant lorsqu’ils discutaient entre eux, j’ai rapidement su adapter mon comportement et mon discours afin que tout le monde se sente plus à l’aise.
