Tag Results

Resources (177 results found)

Displaying 151 - 155 of 177
The tag 'EN' returned # resources.
Santé Monde (auparavant CCISD) conçoit et gère des projets dans le domaine de la santé internationale. Sa mission est ainsi de contribuer à l'amélioration durable de la santé des populations par le renforcement des ressources du secteur de la santé et des groupes communautaires. Actif dans plusieurs pays en Afrique francophone, le Santé Monde se spécialise...
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SNCF is France's official rail transport service. The Web site is sometimes hard to navigate, but you will be able to find standard fares as well as fares for young travelers on their home page. The menu is located on the left portion of the homepage, including information about tickets and train status, passenger services, and fares and cards. It's best to...
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NOTE DE L'ÉDITEUR : Certaines des offres de volontariat se déroulant à l'étranger proposées par SOCODEVI peuvent exiger une preuve de vaccination contre la COVID-19. Certaines options de volontariat virtuel sont également affichées. La Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI) est un réseau d'entreprises coopératives et...
SOLIDAR is a European network of NGOs working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. SOLIDAR voices the concerns of its member organizations to the EU and international institutions by carrying out active lobbying, project management and coordination, policy monitoring and awareness-raising across its different policy areas. Its areas of work...
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SOLIDAR is a European network of NGOs working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. SOLIDAR voices the concerns of its member organizations to the EU and international institutions by carrying out active lobbying, project management and coordination, policy monitoring and awareness-raising across its different policy areas. Its areas of work...
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