NGOs: Canada

Tag Results

Resources (279 results found)

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The tag 'NGOs: Canada' returned # resources.
NOTE DE LÉDITEUR : Les stages Québec sans frontières offerts par le CSI sont pour l'instant suspendus jusqu'à nouvel ordre en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19. En revanche, l'organisation affiche plusieurs offres de stages virtuels à l'international, offerts grâce au programme fédéral PSIJ. Le Carrefour de Solidarité Internationale (CSI) est un...
Le Carrefour international bas-laurentien pour l'engagement social (CIBLES) est un organisme dont la mission centrale consiste à sensibiliser les gens aux enjeux environnementaux, socioéconomiques et interculturels tout en développant un sens de l'engagement citoyen à l'égard d'un monde plus solidaire, inclusif, durable, juste et pacifique. À cette fin,...
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The Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) works in places where poverty, war and displacement are the main causes of suffering of the people. CNEWA supports the pastoral mission and institutions of the Catholic churches of the East; provides humanitarian assistance to the needy and afflicted without regard to nationality or religion; promotes the...
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The Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) works in places where poverty, war and displacement are the main causes of suffering of the people. CNEWA supports the pastoral mission and institutions of the Catholic churches of the East; provides humanitarian assistance to the needy and afflicted without regard to nationality or religion; promotes the...
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CAUSE Canada is a Christian international relief and development agency committed to supporting sustainable development projects in geographical regions underrepresented by the international aid community. Assistance is focused on West Africa and Central America, particularly Guatemala, Honduras and Sierra Leone. Development priorities include primary...
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