Tag Results

Resources (285 results found)

Displaying 31 - 35 of 285
The tag 'SP' returned # resources.
BOS+ is a Flemish non-profit dedicated to forest conservation, sustainable forest management, reforestation, afforestation and forest restoration, both in Flanders, Belgium and worldwide. In the global South, BOS+ partners with local organizations, who do the work on the ground, since they know the local situation best and can form a bridge between the...
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The Bretton Woods Project (BWP) is a civil society network hosted by ActionAid and based in London. It works as a networker, information-provider, media informant and watchdog, scrutinizing and influencing the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). It envisions a global economic system that operates on the primary principles of justice, equity,...
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NOTE DE L'ÉDITEUR : En raison de la situation sanitaire actuelle, l'IBCR n'envoie plus de coopérants à l'étranger, mais recrute plutôt ses volontaires directement dans ses pays d'intervention. Cependant, l'organisation affiche également certaines offres de bénévolat virtuel à l'étranger. Le Bureau international des droits des enfants (IBCR) est un organisme...
The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre is an international affairs company working with various organizations to advance human rights and eradicate abuse in business. It monitors the human rights policy and performance of over 6,000 companies in over 180 countries, helps communities and NGOs get companies to address human rights concerns, and...
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) was formed in 1972 with the intention of creating a sustainable economic development for member countries and improved quality of life for the people. CARICOM currently connects 20 countries: 15 Member States and 5 Associate Members. The aims of CARICOM today include increased international competitiveness, implementation...
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