Tag Results

Resources (285 results found)

Displaying 266 - 270 of 285
The tag 'SP' returned # resources.
The Universal Peace Foundation (UPF) is an international and inter-religious network of individuals and organizations dedicated to achieving world peace. It supports the work of the United Nations, particularly in the areas of interfaith peacebuilding, peace education and the strengthening of marriage and family, fostering understanding, harmony, and...
The Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights (UAF) is a feminist fund that protects, strengthens and supports female and transgender human rights defenders at key moments. It builds the resilience of women's and LGBT rights movements in three ways: rapid response grantmaking, advocacy and alliance building, and a global consortium of Urgent Action Funds...
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[Covid-19 ALERT: As of 2020/10/31, some countries postponed. Organization offering flexible options for future bookings.]  Volunteering Solutions (VolSol) is an international volunteer placement organization offering volunteer and internship opportunities in childcare, teaching, journalism, medical professions and healthcare, and many other areas to...
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) was founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation and has since become one of the largest philanthropic foundations in the US. WKKF works with communities to support vulnerable children to realize their full potential in school, work and life. The organization currently awards grants in the US, Mexico and Haiti....
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WeAupair, formerly In Via, offers au pair placement opportunities for young women between the ages of 18 and 27 in Germany. There are opportunities in large cities, smaller towns and even in the countryside. Placements last for 6 to 12 months. The host family supplies room and board, health insurance, language classes and a small amount of pocket money....
