Tag Results
Resources (285 results found)
Displaying 201 - 205 of 285
The tag 'SP' returned # resources.
Quinoa est une ONG d’éducation au développement qui cherche à accompagner les citoyens, en particulier les jeunes, vers une meilleure compréhension des enjeux politiques, sociaux, économiques, culturels et environnementaux du monde contemporain, et ce, afin de susciter un engagement citoyen et solidaire au quotidien chez la population. Les actions menées...
Traveling by train is the most popular way to get around Europe. You'll avoid airport hassles and wasted time. If you don't want to stick to a specific itinerary, buy a pass for any one of the European countries you're visiting. Passes are valid for a certain number of days within a specific area. With over 100 rail operators across the region, Rail Europe...
Range of Motion Project (ROMP) has the goal of providing high quality prosthetic care in underserved populations, as it pursues its belief that artificial limbs and orthopedic braces are not just medical devices, but instruments of personal empowerment. Program focuses include direct patient care, local facility enhancement, personnel training. ROMP is...
Religions for Peace bills itself as the world's largest and most representative multi-religious coalition dedicated to advancing common action among the world's religious communities for peace. It works to transform violent conflict, advance human development, promote just and harmonious societies, and protect the earth. The global network is comprised of a...
[Covid-19 ALERT: As of 2020/10/31, some programs postponed.]
Rotary International (RI) is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps to build goodwill and peace in the world. More than 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 35,000 Rotary...