Tag Results

Resources (285 results found)

Displaying 86 - 90 of 285
The tag 'SP' returned # resources.
Exploring Abroad is an online resource aiming to provide students, teachers and travelers everywhere with reliable, comprehensive travel information from various sources. Volunteer, study, language, and teaching programs are collected into searchable sections, and there is also a list of travel resources. The site's layout can be confusing at times, and we...
[Covid-19 ALERT: As of 2020/10/31, some countries postponed.] Fabretto is a non-profit organization that supports over 19,000 children in various education centers and hundreds of primary schools in Nicaragua. Its mission is to empower underserved children and their families to reach their full potential, improve their livelihoods, and take advantage of...
Family for Every Child is a global alliance of 33 local civil society organizations that work together to improve the lives of vulnerable children and families across the globe. Their approach is through advocacy and research. They influence key decision makers to implement positive change to child protection policies and services, focusing on children...
In Resource list(s):
Family for Every Child is a global alliance of 33 local civil society organizations that work together to improve the lives of vulnerable children and families across the globe. Their approach is through advocacy and research. They influence key decision makers to implement positive change to child protection policies and services, focusing on children...
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La Fondation Père-Ménard est une organisation à vocation confessionnelle catholique qui cherche à aider financièrement et à former des leaders humanitaires, au Québec comme ailleurs, qui pourront contribuer à la Société des Missionnaires des Saints-Apôtres et ainsi améliorer de façon durable la qualité de vie de personnes vivant dans la pauvreté. La...
