[ID:0082]You may be the type of traveler who thinks of every possibly problematic scenario prior to your departure, or you may not have had the time to consider the practical elements of your stay abroad. Take a look at the information below, it may come in extremely useful when you are least expecting it to! (RELATED SECTION: For loads of practical advice and links to travel resources, see [chapter:28].)
Driving in Your New Country
Don't forget to pick up an international driver's license from the American Automobile Association (AAA) before leaving the US, or the CAA before leaving Canada. At some point your host country may require that you obtain a local license. Make such inquiries at the time of your arrival. Be sure to learn the local rules of the road. Apart from possibly having to adjust to driving on the other side of the road, you will have to decipher and memorize foreign road signs to determine whether an ox or your car has the right of way, etc. As a pedestrian, observe street rules and keep well away from traffic by walking on sidewalks or as far to the side...