[ID:7804]In this section, we’ve given you a sense of why language learning is valuable for your future career, and we’ve outlined learning strategies and potential stumbling blocks. But, there are still some high-level tips that every language learner should keep in mind on the path to fluency.
Speak up
Get over your fear of making mistakes. You will make mistakes. It is just part of being a language learner. It doesn’t matter if you make a grammatical error or mix up your vocabulary, the important thing is to push yourself to have conversations as soon as you can. Whether you’re at home or abroad, take every opportunity to speak your new language.
It might feel uncomfortable, but stumbling over your words is just part of being a language learner.
Humility and Humor
Following on the previous point: There’s no place for pride in the process of learning a foreign language. No matter how smart you are in your own language, you’re sure to feel silly every now and again in your new language. Relax and get good at laughing about yourself...