

What Should You Do When News Breaks Outside Your Door?
Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 11:56 in In the News
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Even on a well-planned trip abroad, there is occasionally the possibility that you'll find yourself in the middle of unexpected political or civil unrest. Students and visitors in Turkey recently found themselves in this situation when a peaceful protest escalated into a violent multi-day clash with police and government officials.

Such concerns shouldn't keep you from venturing into area off-the-beaten path. Spending time in developing nations or somewhat volatile areas can be life-changing, perspective-altering and greatly enriching, so simply avoiding regions with perceived instability is not always the best answer. Every student, traveler and international worker must decide how much risk he or she is personally willing to tolerate, but for students who find themselves in unexpected situations abroad, there are some general guidelines to adhere to in order to stay safe, healthy and happy. Businessweek outlined a few rules of thumb in a recent article

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