

The British Council Goes Global
Posted on Friday, May 31, 2013 - 13:06 in In the News
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Each year, the British Council hosts a conference called Going Global, which provides a forum for global leaders of international education to discuss issues facing the international education community.

In March 2013, the conference was held in Dubai, and the British Council has made many of the lectures available on the conference Web site.

Listening to professionals talk about issues such as the transnational student experience and why global graduates are necessary can give you added perspective on the broader value of you as a cross-culturally sensitive and globally-aware young professional. Why not take a glance at some of the free podcasts of conference content. We recommend focusing on 3.3 Intercultural skill needs: what are employers looking for? and 4.2 Transnational education: the student experience. You can even go back into the 2012 conference and review Why are global graduates needed?

It's no surprise that International IQ is highly valued by international employers, and is a focus for international educators. So, what is an "International IQ" and how can you increase yours? Check out the 4 BIG Things article Your International IQ: 4 Points of Focus on the main MyWorldAbroad site to find out.