Homesickness. It’s something every globe-trotter will experience eventually, so we want to talk briefly about the topic here today.
If you’ve already read the MyWorldAbroad.com sections dealing with culture shock, you have a good idea of what to expect when you head abroad for an extended period of time. (If you haven’t read the sections, check out the links below.)
When transitioning to a foreign culture, everyone goes through several phases of adjustment. But there’s no need to panic. Even though some of the phases can be challenging, the process of going through them is a key part of your personal and cross-cultural learning experience. If it helps, just think of it this way: no pain, no gain! Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and to build experience.
When you first head abroad to work, intern, volunteer or study, you’ll probably experience homesickness after the initial honeymoon phase is over. Don’t stress yourself out! This is absolutely normal; after all, you’ve left everything familiar on the other side of the world, and you’re trying to learn everything you can about a new culture. This can be an overwhelming experience, but there are things you can do to deal with the homesickness phase.
The most important thing is to recognize that homesickness is absolutely natural. No matter how much you love your host country and the exciting, exotic experiences you're having, you’ll have moments when you long for your own bed, a hug from your best friend, a milkshake from your favorite diner or just a walk with the family dog. Don’t feel guilty or “un-worldly” when you have these feelings. Just take some time, talk to friends and family via Skype, watch an American movie or sneak into a Starbucks for an iced mochaccino. Allow yourself a “day off” from your full-on cultural immersion when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
The Internet is packed with first-person accounts of homesickness abroad and how to deal with it. Here are a few videos on the subject to supplement your reading on the main MyWorld site:
Related reading on the main MyWorld site (for registered users):
- [idlink:0043: %title]
- Myths About Living and Working Abroad
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