Here at MyWorld, we love hearing from students and young professionals who travel to unusual places, and travelers who are willing to go off the beaten path in order to have challenging and unique experiences.
When planning to study abroad, it's easy to select a country that's quite similar to your own. The vast majority of North American students choose to spend their semesters and years abroad in Asia and Western Europe. But just because these regions are the norm, doesn't mean they're the only options. Just think of how much you'd learn by taking a leap and going somewhere totally unfamiliar. Not only will you have a unique and special experience, you'll stand out from the crowd once you return home.
Now that the school year has ended, you might be in the process of researching and planning next year's adventures. If so, we strongly suggest taking some time to get imaginative! Scan a few lists of alternative, unusual study abroad destinations, such as this one from Study.com and this one from Best Colleges Online. Use these as a jumping off point to start your brainstorming. And once you're home from your extraordinary experience abroad, tell us all about it!
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