Training Products


EDITOR'S NOTE: Ask us how MyWorldAbroad can help you meet your training objectives. We help you identify where and how our training products can fit into your current programs. 

MyWorldAbroad is designed with training in mind! Schools that integrate our training products into their go-abroad programming have much better student usage stats and derive maximum benefit from our service. Below is a list of some of our most popular training products. 

  • Applicable Training Areas: Our training products can be used in multiple areas:

      • pre-departure and re-entry orientations
      • workshops on any of our eight go abroad areas in Getting Experiences (view)
      • individual student advising
      • workshops on international job-hunting
      • full credit courses: a few schools have designed credit-based courses entirely around our Web site.
      • international events: make use of our Quizzes or Self Evaluations to spice up your event
    • Staff Training Webinar: Consider attending our webinar: Integrating MyWorldAbroad into Student Training Programs (view).
    • Quick GuidesView our Quick Guides (you must be logged-in to access the full list). Our Quick Guides are also ORGANIZED for the GO ABROAD CYCLE (Before, During, & After going abroad). Our client-schools have full reproduction rights to our Quick Guides and the URL to these guides are not password protected so you can even have links to them on your website. See our student-friendly sample wording to go along with your Quick Guide links. Here are some of the most popular guides:
    • International Quizzes: (view). Track student progress before and after go abroad programs: MyWorldAbroad’s international quizzes are a useful way to track student readiness and progress before and after going abroad. The information gathered by asking students to complete these quizzes both before and after their international experiences can be used by staff and administrators in order to create progress reports for senior managers, and to track student success rates. See Quiz Management Instructions for Advisors, which outlines how to manage student scorecards and collect data. Our client-schools have full reproduction rights to our Quizzes and the URL to these quizzes are not password protected so you can even have links to them on your website. See our student-friendly sample wording to go along with your quiz links.)
    • The Global Nudge Postcard Series is a set of vibrant TRAINING postcards that features bite-sized pieces of key advice to get your students thinking about going abroad and building international career skills. Print and share up to 12 of these attractive and informative cards. View samples: page-1page-2page-3page-4. See all the details here.
    • "In A Rush?" Articles: These are our selected top articles from each section: International Skills, Getting Experience, Finding Work and The Professions (view).
    • Self-Evaluation Questions (view) and Stories from Abroad (view): Our self-evaluation forms are customized for each type of go abroad experience. They are centred around thought-provoking questions that have been designed to help students think analytically before, during and after going abroad. Meanwhile, our popular collection of Stories from Abroad adds a first-person, peer-to-peer learning element to the site.
    • Pre-departure Ideas Checklist (view) is a set of questions designed to helps students mentally prepared for their upcoming adventure abroad, and to help students make the most of their travels in terns of professional skill building and networking.
    • Sample Application Documents are written by students, and they highlight the fact that there are many different approaches to developing successful application materials for programs abroad (view).
    • Sample Resumes from MyWorldAbroad showcase resumes that consitently apply the principles of our career-building advice (view). 
    • NEWSLETTER: The Global Nudge Newsletter offers 12- monthly issues aligned with the school year to “nudge” your students with go abroad information and encouragement. Schools will take our newsletter elements provided in a Word file to create or add to their own newsletter. The Global Nudge newsletter elements helps schools reach students directly about the value of going abroad. Each newsletter contains a short intro article on the monthly topic, followed by direct calls to action, an inspiring quote, and links to key articles and quizzes. (View sample)
    • WORKSHOP CONTENT: See the linked pages below for career-related content that can be used as the basis for developing course modules or creating pre-departure and/or re-entry workshops:
      • Your International Resume & LinkedIn Profile (view
      • International Skills? Be More Than Just A Tourist! (view)
      • 100+ Ways To Maximize The Career Value Of Your Time Abroad (view)
    • VISUAL GUIDES: Visual Guides are mobile-friendly, infographic-style versions of our most popular Quick Guides. 20 of these guides are scheduled for launch at some future date (we welcome your feedback). They will be offered in English, French and Spanish. Check them out on a deskptop or laptop, and then check out the adaptable layout on your cell phone or iPad. Test three sample visual guides now:
      • The Ideal International Profile Visual Guide (View)
      • Travel Smarts Visual Guide (View
      • Budget Tips Visual Guide (View
    • PRE-RECORDED VIDEO: Mini-Introduction to MyWorldAbroad: 19-minute pre-recorded video designed especially for student interns and advisors from career and study abroad offices. This is the fastest way to learn about the MyWorldAbroad Web site. The first five minutes cover the essentials of the site, and how you can help students use MyWorldAbroad. The following 14 minutes cover our overall philosophy and provide advice on how to help more senior or advanced students understand the international job search.